
Department of Sports, Arts & Culture (KZN): Epwp Lbrary Assistant Vacancies (X4 posts)

Department of sports, arts & culture (KZN) invites unemployed individuals who meet all the necessary criteria to apply for epwp library assistants 



  • Salary stipend: R 8 544.50 per month
  • Duration: 12 Months


  • Grade 12, within the age group of 16 years and above
  • Must be presently unemployed
  • Must be physically fit


  • Knowledge of library work
  • Knowledge of working with books and lifting of boxes/tubs and shelving
  • Knowledge of local community and public libraries
  • Numerical and literacy skills
  • Communication skills


  • Stamp, code and date selected library material stock. Prepare library material for delivery.
  • File library material according to library procedures.
  • Load library material into delivery vehicles for delivery to community libraries.
  • Offload returned library material from delivery vehicles onto designated area in Depot.
  • Accompany delivery vehicle to delivery destinations to offload and load library material as per the exchange process.
  • Examine the extent of the damage and take note of required material to repair library material.
  • Undertake library material repairs.
  • Move furniture and library items in the Depot and affiliated libraries.
  • Erect or dismantle shelving.
  • Collect new library material from Head Office.
  • Undertake the collection of the post.

How to Apply

Download Epwp Library Assistant Vacancies here


  • The provincial administration Kwazulu-Natal is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employment. women and people with disability will be given due consideration.
    Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form obtainable from any Public Service Department or the website quoting the relevant reference number and indicate the ward number where the applicant reside and should be accompanied by a comprehensive curriculum vitae. Faxed applications will not be considered.
    Candidates must not send their applications through registered mail as the Department will not take responsibility for non-collection of these applications. Applications that do not comply with
    the above instruction shall be disqualitied
  • Due to the large number of applications expected, only selected candidates will be contacted.
    Should you not hear from us within two months of the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful.
    Library environment experience and computer skills will be an added advantage provided all the other criteria above are met.
    Forward your application quoting the reference number as indicated above to the relevant Districts; or hand deliver to the respective district as reflected below:

Umkhanyakude (Mbazwana Depot), Private Bag X9141, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 or hand deliver at Olakeni Area, Next to Education Centre, Mbazwana 3974
