
Anglo American: Laboratory Technician permanent Vacancies 2024(X2 posts)

Vacancy Details 

Anglo American invites unemployed individuals who meet all the necessary criteria to apply for laboratory technician vacancies 

posts: Laboratory Technician X2

Area: Processing

Location: Johannesburg, South Africa

Reference Id: REF56687X

Job Description:

  • Logging of samples/bulk samples and preparation of product samples for work streams based on correct standard operating procedures.
  • Setting up and assisting with operation of the minerals processing equipment.
  • Conduct activities such as weighing, crushing, milling, splitting, screening, RhoVol, sink/float testing, magnetic separation, Archimedes tests.
  • Conduct sample preparation for chemical analysis.
  • Ensure that equipment in area of responsibility is well maintained.
  • Safe de-commissioning of equipment after utilisation.
  • Data collation and logging onto the Minerals Processing records and/or server data base.
  • Moving bulk samples between different laboratories and pilot plants using trackless mobile machinery (TMM) and overhead crane.
  • Assist in operation of pilot plants.
  • Carry out other reasonable instructions as requested by the Metallurgical Specialist: Processing.
  • Adhere to Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (SHEQ) standards and procedures when performing work.
  • Participate in SHEQ activities.


  • Matric with Maths and Science.
  • National diploma would be advantageous in Chemical Engineering or in Metallurgy.
  • Basic computer literacy.

Technical Skills: 

  • Proven general laboratory experience.
  • Understanding and utilisation of laboratory and pilot scale Minerals Processing units such as crushers, mills, splitters, magnetic separators etc.
  • Experience in an ore processing environment will be advantageous.

How to apply

Click here to apply online for the Anglo American Laboratory Technician permanent Vacancies

To apply for this role, please complete our online application form. You will have the opportunity to upload your CV and other relevant documentation as part of the process.

Closing date: 10 April 2024
